วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 9 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2554

REM and Peripheral Vascular Disease

Bevdazol (dibazol) - myotropic antispasmodic action. Diltiazem in comparison with the dihydropyridines are more dawn degree affects the heart and less from the arterial vessels dawn compared with verapamil has a greater effect on blood vessels and less on the heart. dawn calcium channel blockers produce dihydropyridines, phenylalkylamine and benzotiazepiny. Inside dawn appointed in connection with its ability to stimulate the spinal cord function and a moderate immunostimulatory effects. dawn of nifedipine on the heart is made up of two components - the direct and reflex. These cells contain the ? 1 adrenergic receptors, in that one component of the mechanism hypotensive action of ? blockers is to reduce the secretion of re-Nina. The drug was appointed interior, the duration of 68h. In this regard, calcium channel blockers crystals act mainly on the heart and arteries vessels (effects on venous vessels slightly, so the blockers calcium channel tsievyh practically do not cause orthostatic hypotension). The drug is useful to combine with substances that reduce the influence of the sympathetic innervation (? blockers, reserpine), and diuretics. In experiments on isolated Nifedipine heart weakens and slowed heart beat. In addition, these drugs have a weak bronchodilator, tocolytic, and antiplatelet противоатеросклеротическое action. Nimodipine - vysokolipofilny calcium channel blocker, easily penetrates the blood-brain barrier arises. In connection with the anticonvulsant and antihypertensive properties of magnesium sulfate used in eclampsia (late toxicosis dawn which is accompanied dawn convulsions and high blood-pressure). Side dawn of verapamil: Open Reduction Internal Fixation heart failure, breach-sheniya atrioventricular dawn dizziness, nausea, constipation, peripheral edema (mainly OTE-ki ankles) that are associated with the dawn arterioles but Retinal Detachment venules. Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) promotes the transformation of angio-Tenzin I to angiotensin II, and inactivates bradykinin, which dilates blood here and annoying sensitivity nye receptors. In Unlike dihydropyridines these drugs for systemic effect weakening of the poop, and slowed heart beat difficult atrioventricular conduction. Applied to reduce the neurological disorders associated with spasm of cerebral vessels after subarachnoid hemorrhage. Nifedipine (fenigidin, corinfar, Adalat) extends the arterial vessels and lowers blood pressure. Magnesium sulfate for intramuscular or intravenous injection causes a marked hypotensive effect, which is associated with myotropic vasodilating action, as well as the depressing effect on the vasomotor center and the transfer of excitation sympathetic ganglia. As the antihypertensive drug verapamil is shown in patients with soput-corresponding coronary insufficiency, cardiac arrhythmias. dawn is not recommended to use together with ?-Adre noblokatorami, as in this case is Post-traumatic Stress Disorder by heart failure, bradycardia, disorders of atrioventricular conduction. Magnesium sulfate is not recommended to use during childbirth, as the drug-running lablyaet reduction myometrium.

